Wedding Dresses

Wedding Dress

Wedding dress shopping is one of the parts to planning your wedding that most brides look forward to the most. For some it is a quick experience, where they fall in love with the first dress they try on and that’s it, however we do not recommend this, it’s best to at least try on another few styles just in case as you may be surprised and find that one might just suit you perfectly once it’s on even if you didn’t love it on the hanger. For some brides trying to find her perfect dream dress can be a longer experience over several visits to different wedding dress shops over a period of time which can be all part of the fun, some dress shopping followed by a meal and drinks etc.

In this section we offer advice on how to best approach the task of looking for your perfect dress, what to expect as it’s not always easy and often can prove to be more difficult than any bride anticipates and how to take your body shape and wedding dress fabric into consideration when trying to choose a style that will flatter you the most. For those who would like a bespoke wedding dress made especially for them then you will find some advice on this in the Designer Wedding Dresses section.